Do you feel sometimes that each day morphs into the rest? That you are just going through the motions? You may not be in your ideal job, are saddled with too many obligations or just plain need a change. Shaking up the routine may be just what you need to arouse some excitement and enthusiasm […]
Change & Growth
Gandhi’s 10 Words of Wisdom
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi spent his life working to fight discrimination and poverty against Indians, both at his home in India and for 20 years in South Africa. He was a leader in the Indian independence movement from Britain and a pioneer in […]
Forgive for a Better Life
“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” ~Mark Twain Forgiving can be hard. Our trust may have been broken, hearts crushed, feelings hurt, ruined opportunities, and more. But if we don’t forgive a partner, friend, family member, colleague or whoever has wronged us, we may be living […]
10 Great Life Lessons from Albert Einstein
A brilliant man who was passionately curious about the mysteries of science, Albert Einstein changed the world as the most influential physicist of the 20th century. He developed the general theory of relativity (e = mc2), now considered the cornerstone of modern physics. Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics “for his services to theoretical […]
The Best Thing to Give
We give every day. Doctors and nurses, mothers, fathers, teachers, volunteers, police officers, firefighters, military men and women, all give as part of what they do. We also give in other ways that may not come to mind when we think about the act of giving but can have life-changing effects. In the quote below, […]