What gives you a sense of purpose in life? Maybe you can answer this question right away, or you might need to think about it. Typically, it’s something that gives life meaning and makes a positive contribution to others. We often derive our purpose from what our talents and skills are, what we feel passionate about and what we value. Pursuing our purpose can guide our choices, fuel our motivation, and give us clear direction in life. With a sense of purpose, we can inspire and educate others while we gain life satisfaction.
But how many of us know exactly what our purpose is? Some of us have always known our purpose. We wanted to be a doctor, dancer, engineer, or writer. Others spend time trying to discover their purpose. Then once they do, obligations, fear of failure, criticism, or rejection stop them from pursuing it wholeheartedly.
We often think a purpose is that one thing we are meant to do with our lives. However, we can find purpose in many different ways, both small and large. For example, helping an elderly neighbor can give us just as much purpose as being an artist. What our purpose(s) are in life is an individual choice, depending on what we value and what is fulfilling to us.
Purpose can also change over time. Graduating from college could have once been someone’s purpose, but now it’s working in his or her chosen field to provide for a family. Yet, for some, their purpose has been always been there, defining their life. Michael Jordan was destined to be a professional basketball player. Mother Teresa selflessly served the poor. Mark Twain wrote.
Ultimately, what’s important is identifying what aim or goal brings you a sense of purpose because you can reap both psychological and physical benefits, as scientifically proven. We have summarized these benefits of purpose into a convenient infographic. We’ve also included a few ways that might help you find your purpose. We hope you enjoy it!
I love how you brought such a profound and soul message to practicality. Wonderful article, thank you for sharing! (I have been aware of my purpose for a time now, and it’s importance in life. Thank you for spreading the message.