“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” ~Claude M. Bristol
Gratitude affirmations, like all affirmations, have the power to change our beliefs over time. An affirmation, defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary as a positive assertion, helps replace negative thoughts with positive ones. For example, instead of asserting, “I’m not capable of doing that,” we assert, “I can do that.” Continually making these positive declarations can transform the limiting beliefs stopping us from getting what we want in life.
What are Limiting Beliefs?
Limiting beliefs, according to self-help author and blogger Mark Manson, are “false beliefs that prevent us from pursuing our goals and desires.” For example, if we believe we don’t deserve to be happy, we may never pursue our dream job or relationship. This false belief may have arisen from childhood or a negative experience as an adult. To become aware of what it is we believe is important according to Louise Hay, bestselling author, and spiritual teacher. She recommends making a list of our beliefs. We can then go through the list and begin to understand why we don’t have what we want in life as it relates to the belief. Then she recommends reversing these limiting beliefs through the power of affirmations, which can change our lives.
What are Gratitude Affirmations?
Gratitude affirmations specifically pinpoint where we have limiting beliefs concerning lack or something not working in our lives. For example, if we think we lack confidence, we can create a gratitude affirmation such as, “I am grateful to feel stronger, wiser and more confident with each new day.” Now we are reversing this limiting belief of lack to abundance.
Here are 33 gratitude affirmations below you can use, or you can create your own. The affirmations fall under the main areas of life. So you can choose a focus for your gratefulness if you’d like.
Life in General
1. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe! (Louise Hay’s favorite affirmation)
2. Today I am grateful.
3. I welcome all the good coming my way.
4. I feel grateful for the opportunity to create my best life.
5. I recognize the many blessings in my life.
6. I joyfully express the good in me and recognize the good in others.
7. I realize the gift of nature and all of its beauty.
8. I am grateful for the happiness I feel today and always.
Career & Work
9. I am thankful for the work I love to do.
10. I feel blessed to work with such wonderful people.
11. I am grateful for my unique and valuable talents and skills.
12. I welcome and embrace new opportunities and challenges.
13. I appreciate the creativity I can bring to my job.
14. I feel grateful for my job and the nice living it provides.
15. I recognize the blessing of financial ease in my life.
16. I deeply appreciate the sanctuary of my home.
17. I am attracting financial abundance into my life.
18. I gratefully accept the money flowing to me.
19. I am grateful to wake up feeling good.
20. I am thankful for a smart, capable mind.
21. I am grateful for the medical professionals who helped me to heal.
22. Each day I feel stronger and stronger and it is a blessing.
23. I have faith in my own power to help heal my body.
24. I am thankful I can forgive those who have hurt me so I can live in peace.
25. I am willing to see the good in this disappointment.
26. I feel blessed to have so much love in my life.
27. I am thankful for the love of my family and friends.
28. I feel so grateful for this loving, supportive relationship.
29. I am grateful for my faith and how it helps me through tough times.
30. I rejoice in all the blessings in my life through God’s grace.
31. I thank my spirit and all the ways it has added beauty to my life.
32. Thank you for the joy, love, and fulfillment I feel.
33. I see the power of my faith and the strength and peace it brings.
Be sure to recite the gratitude affirmations you choose daily. You can post them around your home to remind you to say them, either to yourself or aloud. As the affirmations become more ingrained in your mind, you’ll start to change your beliefs. Over time, you’ll notice a difference in your thinking. You’ll think more about what’s good and right in your life, transforming limiting beliefs. You’ll also be practicing gratitude, which will make you happier.
What gratitude affirmation(s) above speaks to you the most? Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!
Love these suggestions. Do it !